

Posted by ANZ SPO on


Psoriasis Psoriasis is an auto-immune dis-ease, whereby the immune system mistakes regular skin cells as a pathogen, sending out faulty signals which in turn create overproduction of new skin cells. It is a lifelong condition, it is not contagious and whilst there is no definitive cure, the Natural Healing Centre offers various Psoriasis treatment protocols to assist the sufferer in managing and living with their condition successfully. What causes Psoriasis Whilst the cause of psoriasis is not yet fully understood, varying triggers can cause and/ or exacerbate psoriasis. Genetic – Family history Skin Injury – cuts, burns and insect bites...

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Posted by ANZ SPO on


Eczema Eczema also known as atopic dermatitis is a recurring, non-contagious, inflammatory skin condition.  The condition is most common in people with a family history of an eczema, including asthma and or hay fever. Sufferers experience their skin appearing red, dry and scaly and will generally be very itchy. Itching skin separates eczema from other skin rashes.  In severe cases the skin may weep, bleed and crust over, causing the sufferer discomfort and sometimes result in the skin becoming infected. Golden Staph being common. Although eczema affects all ages, it usually appears in early childhood. Babies generally show signs of...

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Freeform Knitting from Beginning to End

Posted by Steven Kim on

Colorful Fall leaves.Designed by Lucy Jeong and Knitted Gloria

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The benefits and risks of celery

Posted by Steven Kim Kim on

The benefits and risks of celery

Celery is used habitually to relieve gout and rheumatism symptoms by removing waste products through diuresis.Learn more about celery. The benefits and risks of celery Celery is part of the family Apiaceae, which includes carrots, parsnips, parsley and celery. The crunchy stalks make vegetables a popular low-calorie snack and can provide a variety of health benefits. The fiber in celery can help your digestive and cardiovascular system. Celery also contains antioxidants that can play an important role in disease prevention. Health benefits The nutrients in the celery plant and its seeds can provide a variety of health benefits. However, it...

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셀러리의 잇점과 유의사항.

Posted by Steven Kim Kim on

셀러리의 잇점과 유의사항.

셀러리는 이뇨작용으로 노폐물을제거하여 통풍,류마치스증상완화에 애용되고있다. 셀러리에 대해서 좀 상세히 알아봅니다. 셀러리의 이점과 위험 셀러리는 당근, 파스 닙, 파슬리 및 셀러리를 포함하는 Apiaceae 계통의 일부입니다. 아삭아삭한 줄기는 채소를 인기있는 저칼로리 간식으로 만들고 다양한 건강상의 이점을 제공 할 수 있습니다. 셀러리의 섬유질은 소화기 및 심혈 관계에 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 셀러리는 또한 질병 예방에 중요한 역할을 할 수있는 항산화 제를 함유하고 있습니다. 건강상의잇점 셀러리 식물과 그 씨앗의 영양소는 다양한 건강상의 이점을 제공 할 수 있습니다. 그러나 이러한 영양소는 셀러리에서 상대적으로 적은 양으로 발생한다는 것을 기억할 가치가 있습니다. 그러나 셀러리 만으로는 질병을 예방하거나 치료할 수 없습니다. 1.염증과 암 예방 셀러리는 중국 전통 의학에서...

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